
The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court       Having read the article about the United States Supreme Court, one thing I learned about the Supreme Court is that the Chief Justice has the authority to assign who will write the courts opinion (In the case the Chief Justice is apart of the majority opinion). I have heard a lot about the Supreme Court in highschool and I know the position Chief Justice, but I never knew what they actually did. I believe that the government should limit hierarchy as much as possible, but I recognize that there is value to having in charge of organization.       I believe the most notable power the supreme court has is that it has the final say in the constitutionality of  the law. For the court to carry out its purpose the judges would have to be emotionless interpreters of the constitution, however, it seems as though appointing judges based on their political usefulness as opposed to their merit in interpreting the constitution has become the fad.       The article

Week 2 Privacy

  My Thoughts on Data Collection       Every time you use the internet, you leave behind scattered digital footprints. One footprint could be that you order dog food online,  and another could be that you looked up the local college bars. The footprints only give a snapshot into your interests, but when put together, they are a form of yourself on the internet. The footprints are collected by data brokers with the use of cookies, and they're compiled together to create a packet of data with all browsing habits. Data brokers then sell your information to advertisers so that you receive ads that appeal to your interests. From your footprints, advertisers would know that you are a college-aged person who owns a dog. Then from there, data brokers could extrapolate more information to create a clear picture of who you are so that they could sell that information to more advertisers.      Some would say that they have no problem with their information being collected and sold for profit,

My Sources of Information

      Hi, my name is Dylan, and here is where I receive news. 1.  Political Twitch Streamers (Vaush and HasanAbi)     If you are looking for balanced and objective reporting, Twitch is not where you should be going. Although the presentation is fun, the topics that are discussed are mostly left-wing social issues or takedowns of notable conservative figures. There are occasional debates hosted by Vaush, where he invites people from all over the political spectrum, from Marxist-Leninists to self-proclaimed fascists, to debate any political topic.  It's a biased source, obviously, but all news sources come with a bias; I tend to appreciate news coming from people who are open about their biases; if anyone on the news were to tell me that they're "unbiased," I would have to raise my eyebrow.  2.  Mainstream Media     I don't enjoy getting my news from big media conglomerates, but if there was something