My Sources of Information

      Hi, my name is Dylan, and here is where I receive news.

1.  Political Twitch Streamers (Vaush and HasanAbi)

    If you are looking for balanced and objective reporting, Twitch is not where you should be going. Although the presentation is fun, the topics that are discussed are mostly left-wing social issues or takedowns of notable conservative figures. There are occasional debates hosted by Vaush, where he invites people from all over the political spectrum, from Marxist-Leninists to self-proclaimed fascists, to debate any political topic. It's a biased source, obviously, but all news sources come with a bias; I tend to appreciate news coming from people who are open about their biases; if anyone on the news were to tell me that they're "unbiased," I would have to raise my eyebrow. 

2.  Mainstream Media

    I don't enjoy getting my news from big media conglomerates, but if there was something like a giant cloud of smog heading for New York, I would trust the boring news host over a Twitch streamer. However, one should be careful with big news channels like CNN, MSMBC, and especially FOX, specifically because of their political pundits, whose whole job is to drum up vapid culture war fights to get more viewers to sell to advertisers. They're the junk food of news media.

3.  Friends and Family

    Not at all reliable, but it is available. Friends and family are an excellent outlet for discussing the news and disagreeing. However, I wouldn't recommend getting your news solely on the people in your life for a number of reasons. 1. They could just be making something up to start a conversation, and 2 where they received the information may not be a trustworthy source. 

4.  Instagram

    I would not recommend using Instagram for only the news, there's misinformation online, and everyone's political opinions online multiply by ten. Despite this, Instagram could be really useful for non-political news. For example, you may see your favorite artist make a post that they're working on their next album or silly stuff like a dolphin who saved a woman's phone after she dropped it. 

5. New York Times and Print Media

    While still considered mainstream news media, I'd say that print media is much less of a cesspit than tv news; On TV, networks have to try to keep people's attention with flashy graphics and charismatic figureheads, while there's nothing inherently wrong with these things, old fashioned print media doesn't have to worry about such things. This makes me trust print media more because my brain isn't being harassed by extraneous stimuli while I'm just trying to figure out what is going on in America. 


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